Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mayor McKook

Dear Anthony,
Why no comments you wuss?


Dear Mayor of Kookville,
Do me a favor, you focus on reigning supreme over Kook City. I'll focus on giving advice.

P.S. Comment as you see fit...kook!


Gaz said...

Why you gotta hate on a grate little town?

You alweays disrespect the PC/DC, you sound like an expert and shit, how often do you surf here?

Anonymous said...

Gazza, surely you know this isnt the real T here...

Ask Anthony, good job but too many big words for it to be mistaken for the real Tony, you need to find a groove and stick with it if you are going to satirize, in all things funny, there has to be some truth but I dont see any here, just a pile on.
If you need more material, shoot me an email, I have some idea's for your little love fest here.
(you would do better to as to not to limit comments)