Dear Anthony,
Can you believe how crazy those fires are down in southern cali? I was just visiting a friend in San Diego and was really sorry for every one's loss. While I was there I saw this rad statute they put up and couldn't help but notice the resemblance. Any chance you were the inspiration? Wanna get a sesh sometime?
Dear kookstruck,
Jesus H. Christ you are suck a f*ckin kook! You can have a whole big plate of eat sh*t for all I care. Where are you from the valley? You must be to be such a huge kook. Was that your kook-terra I smashed? Did it burn? I hope it did, just like I hope those kooks homes in southern Cali burn. Stay out of the water kook!
P.S. Funny you saw the resemblance in the statute! Believe it or not it was my sweet style that acted as an inspiration. I claim southern Cali too!